Greater Pacific Region Seminar 2022
Stitching in the Rogue
July 8-13, 2022 | Ashland Hills Hotel | Ashland OR

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Happy Holly Days

1 Day Class - Basic


Remember holidays gone by and celebrate new ones with this elegant Stumpwork ornament. Festive red wrapped berries nestle gently against padded holly leaves. Green velvet ribbon tied festively into a bow tops it all.
Summer Serendade

2 Day Class - Basic


Sweet living in the summer time! Imagine a warm summer morning, with juicy blackberries glistening in the sun. Bees buzz on their search for nectar while a caterpillar lazily crawls along a stem. This Stumpwork class brings this vision to life as s...see more

2 Day Class - Intermediate


Lotus ponds bestow introspection, meditation and tranquility throughout Southeast Asia. In this piece, quiet serenity reigns amongst the lotus flowers as a Golden Dartlet damselfly hovers close. Create your own pond of tranquility as you first bloc...see more